- Prolong the economic service life of your crane
- Your production demands are increasing
- Your application has changed
- Statutory requirements have changed
- Costs and time spent maintaining your aged crane are rising
- You are considering replacing your crane
Why modernize your overhead crane?
Are your cranes fit for the future?

If you’re considering whether a modernization is a valid option, you need a tool to help make decisions about the future use of your cranes. A Crane Reliability Study is an engineering assessment that evaluates the current condition of your crane and provides a theoretical estimate of its remaining life and recommendations for next steps.
Transform your existing crane with a modernization
Modernizations can provide a complete transformation of your existing crane as an alternative to replacing it. Modernizations can also give you an opportunity to add current technologies. Common modernizations include the replacement of hoists, trolleys, operator cabs and controls to achieve increased capacity, speed, duty and load control.